Wednesday, October 05, 2005

2nd day of the 9th lunar month

Now the 6th day since the cataract operations. Albeit wasn’t least painful, but she has better results for her left eye than what it was 2 years back for the right eye.

And tomorrow, some stitches will be removed and envisaged vast improvement will come. Fingers crossed.

About a year back, quite precise, the visit to Phuket Is. where the 9th Emperor God celebration was held with their local Billion Firecrackers display was enthralling. Can’t believe a year has flown by, and not to mention Tsunami almost flattened Phuket a couple of months after our visit.

Budget 2006

Intesting "no frill" budget for 2006

In line with the no frill budget airlines that are roaming the Asean skies, the Malaysian Government came out with a 2006 budget that has little to cheer about for businesses and man-on-the-street.

Perhaps is an investment, on human capital of the future. But then capital expenditure is a non-tax deductible expense, LOL.